Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm learning . . .

That learning sometimes begins when you are hurting the most
That sometimes something good happens, even to me
That I don’t know how to listen, but that I can learn if motivated enough
That Love is one hell of a motivator
That good sex isn’t enough but it’s awfully close
That loneliness is dying alive
That I do not have to settle for a purely comfortable relationship
That I’m a good man but I can still fuck things up
That I will never understand women, and it's time to leave it at that
That leading with my heart instead of my head is the only way to fly, even though I might crash or get shot down
That falling deeply in love is possible at any age, especially this one
That I’m a morning person – also an evening, afternoon and middle of the night person
That I am changing, but sometimes I revert
That actually finding time for that long walk on the beach is difficult even when you live at the ocean’s edge
That the person I love thinks she loves me more, but she's wrong
That I am a married man between gigs
That a long, long hug is better than Advil
That I feel honored to be that important to her
That I have always been afraid and have spent most of my life trying hide that fact
That hanging on to regrets is regrettable
That I'm finally, thankfully, letting go
That having less room in a bed makes sleeping more difficult, and that's just fine with me

That I am missing her right at this moment


Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov finally made (got) it.


Anonymous said...

Lucky, lucky, lucky woman. In addition to being a fan of yours, I also enjoy the Long Beach Aquarium. Just a summer thought as vacation time nears.
Q T Pi

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a treasure.

OneFaller said...

well said milt. I'm stealing it and sending it to my girlfriend right now.
