Sunday, April 22, 2007

You Must Remember This . . .

Well, it’s time for another update on this getting older thing. You will recall, that when last we met, I was 61. Okay, it wasn’t that long ago, I’m still 61, but there’s a lot going on with aging that I haven’t talked about so let’s start.

First thing you should understand is that there is good and bad about getting on in life. We all tend to focus on the bad things, because these usually involve some kind of loss, and the losses are obvious, maybe not right away but one day you notice them like you notice being hit with a water balloon. For instance, every day I shave in front of a mirror. Most men do this, so you’d think that we’d have a pretty good idea of what we look like. Not so. When I shave, I’m not looking at my face, I’m looking at a part of my face that the razor is passing over (or slicing through depending on how steady my hand is). Then I look at my hair while I brush it (not much left – I know each of them by name), and my teeth while I brush them. Every so often, I have to look at my ears, nose, or eyebrows so I can deal with a plague of unwanted hair growth in those areas. See? All of these are pesky bad things. But once in a while I stand back and gaze at the whole picture of the me that the world sees. Holy shit, who’s the old guy? When did my hair get so gray, when did all those little spots and bumps sprout on my skin, and how can I feel this good and look so damn old? Talk about your shock of recognition.

Another bad thing is that my muscles don’t have that boing in them anymore. When I run, each footfall feels like I’m landing from a height of five or six feet. There’s no spring left, just a firm thunk that reverberates up through my bones and internal organs. When I throw something, it doesn’t get where it’s supposed to go, not unless I put a high arc on it. This really sucks if you find yourself in a middle school faculty/student dodge ball game, and the kids positively dare you to throw at them so they can catch it with one hand and get you out of the game. I know. What’s a 61 year old man doing playing dodge ball? Here’s the skinny on that. Even though I am old, I still think I’m no more than 25 or 30. That’s the truth, and it’s very common. If you don’t believe me, stop and ask any older man walking down the street, and he’ll tell you that he feels like a young guy trapped in an old man’s body (and he will also appreciate your concern . . . maybe).

Oddly enough, this leads me to one of the good things I told you about. Since I still feel young, I still feel like having sex, and if I’m lucky enough to have another person to do it with, it’s still damn good. No more hang-ups about pregnancy, technique, fear of failure, etc. Yes, sometimes the equipment malfunctions, or non functions, or starts and stops like a car with a clogged carburetor, but that can be handled with one of several pharmaceuticals, or the deft use of other, more dexterous appendages. That way she’s happy, and you can go watch ESPN. Also, did I mention that middle-aged women, for the most part, have got this sex thing down pat? They are very good, very free, and very grateful. So if I can’t get out of the starting gate every once in a while, they roll with it and go watch Oprah. I’m telling you that If you can’t laugh during middle-aged sex, you’re just not doing it right.

Ok, back to the bad. As you age you become invisible to various segments of the younger population. Cute young girls no longer see that twinkle in your eye as you flirt with them. At best they look right through you, and at worst they think you’re cute. If any young women are out there, pay attention here. Do not call an older man “cute.” Just smile and wink and he’ll be happy. He doesn’t really want you, he just wants to feel that such a thing might be possible, even when he knows that he doesn’t really want a relationship with someone who didn’t exist when Kennedy was shot. Think of it as a random act of kindness to someone else’s father. Now this invisibility thing also happens to women, and men and women together, whenever they go out to a restaurant. Waitpersons of all ages, genders, and ethnic persuasions no longer recognize your waving hand in their visible spectrum. Yes, they do get tired of listening to us order water without ice, steamed vegetables (without cauliflower of course) instead of the potatoes, and be sure that the fish is cooked well. Ok, maybe some of us don’t tip all that well, but some of us do, or at least we would if you’d stop by our table more frequently than Haley’s comet.

Once more, unto the good. Wisdom. If you live into your sixties and beyond you can’t help but learn a whole lot about life, and occasionally you can get someone (except your own children) to listen. Put ammonia on a bee sting. Wash baseball caps in the dishwasher. Pick up a baby when he cries, and for God’s sake, walk him out of the restaurant until he feels better. When playing Blackjack, don’t split queens. Fall in love, completely and deeply, but if it doesn’t work out, know that the gaping hole in your heart will mend. Then have the courage to do it again. The best car is the one that doesn’t let you down. If you get in an argument with your spouse, no one wins, so don’t argue in the first place. It’s best not to climb past the third highest step on a ladder. And ultimately you realize that all things, both good and bad, will eventually end – one way or another.

It was about a year ago. We sat there eating wonton soup and an appetizer plate and talked of nothing. We had just seen a blockbuster movie sequel, "Pirates of the Caribbean II, Dead Man's Chest." Another sequel that had lost its way -- all action and spectacle and not enough of the characters that had charmed us in the original. Everything comes out of a computer now, and she asked me if I thought the parrot was real. “Hell,” I said, “I don’t know if Johnny Depp was real.”

She looked frail and old, like she had just come through a serious illness. That’s because she had done just that. We’d been dating about three years and we were comfortable together. We enjoyed each other’s company and had a good time going out, but there was not much excitement in the relationship except in the bedroom, and I have no idea where that came from. The rest of our time together she felt comfortable, like a pair of favorite slippers.

I was never in love with her. She knew that and said it was fine with her that way. I think she may have loved me but always said she was “fond of me.” Probably didn’t want to scare me off. At two years I was ready to break it off, but then she got cancer. How do you break up with someone with cancer, pancreas cancer at that? So I hung around figuring she would either get better or die. I just couldn’t dump her then, you know? It just didn’t seem like the right thing to do. So she got better. Good for her. I know that’s not supposed to happen but they caught it early through a fluke and that cancer won’t kill her. I guess she’ll have to wait for the next one like the rest of us.

So another year went by while she recovered, and my disquiet had been growing – another kind of malignancy. It felt like the only thing we had going for us was inertia. Inertia fueled by comfort and sex. Most people my age would be content with that, but I grew more and more restless, and it was starting to show. I didn’t meet her eyes when we talked and I seemed to be snapping at her more and more. I’m was also weary of having to shout at her because her hearing was shot. So was her sense of smell. Too bad I didn’t have gas, she’d have been the perfect companion. On the plus side she had her very own handicapped parking placard, so we got fantastic parking spots. Comfort, sex, and good parking. That might be enough for some men my age, but I wanted more. Silly me, I thought that love might still be out there for me, just one girlfriend away.

That night, after the movie and soup, I thought it was time to break things off. We went back to my place, but even then I wasn’t sure. I once had an old dog who was dying, not in pain, but near the end of his life. The day we put him down he looked up at me, as if to say, “Couldn’t we do this tomorrow, or maybe next week?” So I’m thinking, "Why tell her tonight, why not tomorrow, or maybe next week? Why is this the night I choose to hurt her?" Ambivalent to the end, I am sitting there, not knowing if I’m going to sleep with her or leave her. Smart money’s on my dick.

She asks me to dim the lights. Gratefully, I do. She asks me if I want to smoke some dope, or have some wine. She wants me and I can be so easily had. “Not tonight,” I say. I look at her face. There is a stillness to her. She is smiling but I think she knows what’s coming. I feel the air from the ceiling fan wash down over me. I see the flowers on her blouse -- bright, red blossoms that hold their own in the dimness. I tell her that I need more in a relationship and that I want to see other people. We talk, say nothing, and do not touch. She smiles again, and in her smile, that I am looking at for the first time in months, I see the ghost of the beautiful, young woman she once was, long before we met. I wish I had known her then. Maybe I would have fallen in love with her, and grown slowly older with her, and always seen her through my memories. But my memories belong to someone else, and I can’t pretend anymore. More silence. We hug for a long time. The sound of the waves on the beach has stopped and my heart has stopped, and I’m not sure I can ever get it started again.

She collects her robe and toothbrush. I drive her home.

About a month ago, I received an email from her daughters. That cancer we thought she had beaten got up off the canvas and sucker punched her. I had seen her about three months ago, and she looked and said she felt fine. We had become friends, and I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. Nothing makes you know you are getting older more than when you hear that someone your age, or younger even, has died. I don’t really know how to handle something like that. I guess that’s a wisdom I haven’t acquired yet. When I got the news, I called her house hoping to speak with her daughters. The voice of my friend was still on her answering machine, “Of course I’ll call you back,” she said. Our last night together flashed back and my breath caught in my throat, and again my heart stood still. Several seconds of a lifetime passed by, as my computer screen in front of me lost focus, and finally I whispered, “It’s Milt. I just called to say hi.” I don’t know why I did that. It just seemed like the right thing to do.


Anonymous said...

As one who has walked your road years before you, I'm overwhelmed by the depth of your insight. A beautiful essay full of truth.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. for your friend that is.

You are a brilliant story teller...
